メSave Page Setup Informationモ option in Print Options dialog box.
Caret Mode command was renamed to Misc Appl Props.
Keyboard shortcut for Insert File command was changed to cmd-i.
・0.31 Jan 1998
Do key event. (scripting)
Cmd-tab key to jump to the next tab stop.
Cmd-option-tab key to jump to the previous tab.
Memory restriction was reduced.
Variable Undo levels (1-10).
TSM Aware option.
Styled Output option to cut, copy or drag text as styled text.
Reading style information of SimpleText file if mono styled.
Last Script command.
Gray invisible characters (formerly black or white).
・0.32 Mar 1998
Recording, running and saving task sequence.
The script recording form changed to support the recording feature flexibly.
Appearance Manager compliant menu.
Executing script with cmd-ctrl shortcut key.
Numbering untitled documents became more conventional.
Shortcut key for Jump to command was changed to "J".
Pause Speaking command was separated from the Speak menu item.
・0.321 Apr 1998
Showing error message for failure of the drag and drop if active.
・0.33 Apr 1998
Option-enter shortcut key to move caret.
Next window event and previous window event. (scripting)
・0.4 June 1998
Open Recents command that opens recent files or folders.
Intelligent cut and paste.
Remembering window position if moved.
Control key option of Open dialog box not to remember file at the opening.
Control key option of Execute Script dialog box not to keep script in memory.
メLet It Openモ command.
Maintaining cursor appearance while dragging text.
Tracking file location of open documents.
Asking the Finder to reveal file from dialog boxes with option-shift + button.
Option key option to cut or copy with style information.
Option key option to drag out text with style information.
メChoose one fileモ event. (scripting)
メUpdateモ event. (scripting)
Quick reference to object in QuoEdit folder with file or folder name. (scripting)
Parameter for print event whether or not to show print dialog. (scripting)
メtimes_モ parameter for do key event. (scripting)
メOptionsモ menu title was renamed to メExtrasモ. (Thanks to Alain who found out the word for me.)
Appearance of status bar was a little changed.
Searching QuoEditユs folder first for the メQuoEdit Preferencesモ file at startup.
First Position / Arrange commands were unified as Arrange command.
Zoom command in Windows menu was removed.
Styled Output option (in Misc Appl Props dialog box) was removed.
Styled cut, copy and drag are now available also from Find dialog box.
Undoing back space and undoing forward delete are now separate.
After replacing all or duplicating drag is undone, now QuoEdit selects the original selection (formerly selected a point where the actual change started).
Showing print dialog box just for the first file when the Finder makes QuoEdit print plural files (formerly shown for each one and itユs not conventional).
Shortcut key of Arrange command was changed to cmd-¥ to fit to the image.
Shortcut key of Window Size command was changed to cmd-/.
As negative value for window size, any number can be set (formerly only -1).
Window width fits flexibly to monitor size while negative number is set as the width (formerly only height was flexible).
Property メtabモ was renamed to メtab lengthモ. (scripting)
Parameter メignoring selection errorモ was renamed to メignoring nurseモ. (scripting)
Parameter メkeeping in memoryモ was renamed to メmemory keepingモ. (These renamings are just for human words; no matter with compiled scripts.) (scripting)
When Execute Script command is done while task sequence is being recorded, QuoEdit now adds メwithout memory keepingモ as the parameter. (scripting)
メmodifiedモ property was divided to メmodifiedモ & メprop modifiedモ. (scripting)
To reduce the 'aete' code (dictionary data), 'TlTf' and 'TlSM' types used for transliterate event were unified to 'TlSM' (actually ignored internally) (scripting)
Pen point in the icon is changed from gold to platinum.
・0.40 June 1998
When QuoEdit receives a request of メbounds sizeモ property of the document via Apple event, it now returns the size specified by the user; it can be negative value. (formerly returned the real size) (scripting)
・0.41 Aug 1998
Appearance Manager compliant dialog boxes.
Showing contents of a PICT or movie file named メAbout QuoEditモ in the QuoEdit folder if any.
Scripts, Applications or Documents folder in the QuoEdit folder now can be a alias file of that name respectively.
Being always in the platinum appearance when Appearance Manager is available (whether system-wide platinum appearance is on or off).
メStatus barモ was renamed to メwindow headerモ according to the new human interface guidelines.
メViewモ and メMisc Appl Propsモ commands were grouped in the menu because they are both for the applicationユs properties.
Shortcut keys for dialog items are now customizable via resources of types 'DIS*' and 'DIS_'. (formerly fixed internally for English words)
'DIS*' resources define key assignments with the command key.
'DIS_' resources define key assignments with no modifier key.
・0.42 Aug 1998
Grep which is 2-byte language characters aware.
Print dialog box now can be open even if no document is open so that some options in the dialog box can be set as default.
Property メcollapsedモ of window class object. (scripting)
Intelligent cut and paste was a little improved.
・0.43 Sep 1998
Dragging text from inactive window now can be done directly without switching active window.
Maintenance of button name for option and shift keys in Arrange dialog box.
Search engine was entirely reconstructed internally and became faster.
When case sensitive option is off, formerly ignored also diacritical marks (used in German, French or so on). --> Now considers diacritical marks.
When case sensitive option is off, now considers script system feature; ignores 2-byte alphabetical lowercase/uppercase (requires Japanese, Chinese or Korean script system) or Cyrillic lowercase/uppercase (requires Cyrillic script system).
Grep search is now faster than previous version.
Maintenance of button name in file dialog boxes was improved; ヤ!ユ mark was added to Finder commands. (The feature itself is not changed.)
Shortcut to Insert or Save dialog box from Open Recents dialog box (informal feature) was changed.
・0.431 Oct 1998
・0.44 Oct 1998
Contextual menu for basic Edit menu commands
Property メcurrent folderモ of application class object. (scripting)
Parameter メstylモ for Save and Close events. (scripting)
Cmd-tab / cmd-option-tab (shortcut keys in document window to move around tabs) were changed to ctrl-tab / ctrl-option-tab to avoid conflict with Mac OS 8.5.
Remembering current folder for standard Open, Save As or Insert File dialog box independently, for a reason.
Auto resolving alias file for name reference to object in QuoEdit folder. For example: [tell application "QuoEdit" to get folder "Scripts"] --> even if the object "Scripts" in QuoEdit folder is an alias file, returns reference to the original folder. (scripting)
Parameter メstyleモ for Cut and Copy events are renamed to メstylモ; no matter for compiled scripts. (scripting)